Shipping & Handling
Shipping is provided free to orders of $129.99 and above and ships UPS® Standard service.
- Fieldsheerca.com is not responsible for lost or stolen merchandise that is delivered without a signature required.
- All packages shipped within Canada are shipped via UPS® Service or Canada Post unless otherwise specified by customer.
- We offer Fedex Home Delivery, Fedex Economy and Fedex Ground delivery services.
- Orders requesting Fedex 2 daysmust be submitted by 2pm CST.
- Shipping Rates are based on item weight and physical dimensions.
- Fedex Economy and Ground shipments can take 1-7 business days depending on your location.
- All outgoing orders are shipped from MISSISSAUGA ON.
- Fieldsheerca.com currently does not offer international shipping.
- Online Orders are accepted 24 hours a day.
- Online Orders are processed during normal business hours (M-F, 8-5pm EST).
- Internet Orders do not guarantee item(s) are in stock.
- Orders are shipped after stock is checked and credit card is verified and processed.
- Only Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover are accepted for online orders.
- If you need to change your Internet Order after you have already processed it, you will need to email us.
- Orders can not be changed after the same business day order was placed.
- If you have any problems processing your internet order you can email us.
- You will receive an e-mail confirmation confirming your order has been sent to us. This confirmation does not confirm that the item(s) are in stock, your order has been processed and shipped or that your credit card has been billed.
- Orders placed with items out of stock, may be cancelled for a full refund.
- We will ship back-orders upon arrival into stock if the item is scheduled to be back in stock that season. Not all items out of stock will be restocked.
- The back-order will be cancelled after 30 days if we do not receive the product in stock.